One of the most important things that makes Alivation’s approach to healthcare different is our team of knowledgeable, caring professionals. Our team provides patients with the best care in the Midwest by working with you individually or by collaborating with other providers to ensure the right treatments. From our behavioral/brain health, primary care, pharmacy and research teams, to our “behind the scenes” operations, we’re dedicated to Next Level You.
Walt Duffy, MD
President, CMO, CEO, Neuropsychiatrist, and PI. Board Certified in Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry
Melissa Lile, LIMHP, LADC
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Elia Rivera, LIMHP, LADC
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Mikki McBride, LIMHP, LADC
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Tracy Schaaf LIMHP, LADC
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Pat Collins, LIMHP
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Elizabeth “Lisa” Ludwig, MD
Neuroscience Clinical Research Manager