Aesthetic Services2021-02-03T12:59:03-06:00

What is truSculpt iD?

Posted by AlivationAdmin on  March 16, 2020
Category: Aesthetics
You’ve tried dieting. You’ve tried exercising. You’ve tried both. You may have gotten all the results you wanted. If so, congratulations! Health and wellness are journeys, and everyone takes them differently. For those who’ve lost weight but have remaining problem areas of fat and loose skin, there’s truSculpt iD by Cutera. When you want an enhanced physique, and to show off more of your hard work, truSculpt iD, also called WarmSculpt, is an excellent way

xeo® laser genesis

Posted by AlivationAdmin on  March 9, 2020
Category: Aesthetics
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As we age, we often have cosmetic side effects we’re not thrilled about: sun damage, redness, scarring, wrinkles, fine lines. It only takes a few years to begin noticing these effects, and the more we age the more visible they become. They can stress us out; they can make us feel old, or not where we want to be. It’s natural, but it doesn’t feel right. We’ve always been told it’s just what it supposed

What is PICO Genesis?

Posted by AlivationAdmin on  March 2, 2020
Category: Aesthetics
It’s a revolutionary skin treatment that restores vitality and youth. That’s what it is, but let’s see how it works. PICO Genesis uses non-thermal pulses of laser light on unwanted pigment areas to remodel the upper layers of the skin. Over time, this makes the pigment gradually fade and disappear, rejuvenating the skin to a natural glow. It’s ideal for areas of the body with noticeable sun damage signs or uneven tones, such as the

xeo® hair removal

Posted by AlivationAdmin on  February 24, 2020
Category: Aesthetics
One of the worst evolutionary drawbacks of being human is the residual body hair we possess. It’s not keeping us warm, and it can inconvenience our confidence. Any number of treatments exist for it: razors and shaving, waxing, etc. But these are hardly permanent, requiring a lifetime of cream, lotion, razors, time, and plenty of rashes or razor burn to go around. If only there was a single, affordable treatment that would end all that

What Does Beauty Mean Today?

Posted by AlivationAdmin on  February 17, 2020
Category: Aesthetics
If you’ve ever read a magazine, seen an ad on TV, or watched, well, anything really, then you know the world is obsessed with a concept called beauty. You see the word in countless marketing campaigns, brand names, keywords, cosmetic products, treatments, merchandising lines. You’ve seen it in movie and book titles, philosophical ideas, pamphlets, and especially on websites and blogs. And now it’s on this one! So what’s the deal? What does it really

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